Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Great friends, food, & photos!

This past Sunday I was able to have the best of both worlds...I got to spend time with my college roommate and her family, make some pictures, and eat unbelievably delicious mexican food at Joe T's. Here's a couple of photos from Sunday. Sorry, I didn't take any of the food. You'll just have to take my word for it that it looked as good as it tasted!

Here's my girlfriend Laura and her sister Amy.

Here's her cousin and her husband.

There's still time for holiday photos, so don't delay! Schedule your session today at or visit for additional information.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Honing Photoshop Skills

Greetings! I'm taking advantage of a great opportunity to hone my Photoshop skills. While I've been a novice for some time, it's great to be able to actually learn proper use of the various tools. Now I'll be able to do quicker enhancement to portraits, allowing me to do more for clients. Your images will look better than ever, and I'll get to put my new skills to use! Check back soon...I'll be adding some holiday pictures from Williams Square. They have a lot of great decorations that were fun to shoot.